Genre: Crime Drama
Director: Andrew Lau
Starring: Richard Gere, Claire Danes
Running Time: 105 minutes
Synopsis: In New Mexico, Errol Babbage (Richard Gere) is a public safety official tasked with keeping tabs on registered sex crime offenders. Obsessive and high-strung, Errol is being forcibly retired and has to train his replacement Allison (Claire Danes). He introduces her to the world of sexual perverts living in society, and she witnesses his diligence in trying to make sure none of them re-offend. But when a young woman is abducted, Errol is convinced one of his "flock" has strayed, and he races to uncover the culprit before the victim is harmed.
What Works Well: This disturbing journey into the dark world of deviants and the agents tasked with monitoring their behaviour packs an impact. Director Andrew Lau creates a psychologically grim and seedy milieu of remote mobile homes, spooky abandoned houses, and sex dens, while Richard Gere impresses with a portrayal of a man well beyond the edge, his exposure to atrocities blunting his humanity and ability to distinguish between right and wrong. The line-up of degenerates-as-suspects is a cross-section of creepiness attracted to criminality and violence.
What Does Not Work As Well: Character backgrounds are sorely lacking, with Claire Danes suffering most and never getting to grips with Allison's role. The outcome is a flat portrayal of human carnage, and growing suspicions that atrocities are displayed for pure shock value. The plot logic is bumpy, not helped by Babbage taking on the role of police investigator while the actual detective work goes missing.
Conclusion: A cleansing shower is recommended after the credits roll.

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