Director: Noël Mitrani
Starring: Alexis Bledel, Laurent Lucas
Running Time: 86 minutes
Synopsis: In a small Canadian town, married French insurance businessman Benoît Gando (Laurent Lucas) is attending a conference. He is briefly and wrongfully detained by young and inexperienced police officer Kate Logan (Alexis Bledel). Her apology extends to drinks, then passionate sex, before a mishap with her service revolver upturns Benoît's trip.
What Works Well: The scenic quaint setting provides an attractive milieu for a far-from-home affair. Given the narrative context, the awkward performances by Laurent Lucas and Alexis Bledel are surprisingly suitable, setting up one effective jolt of violence.
What Does Not Work As Well: The plot lacks momentum and meanders along an uninspiring path, while the production never threatens to rise above television movie-of-the-week standards. Benoît takes every wrong decision at every opportunity, while Kate's distressed mental state deserved better depth. The RCMP's investigative efforts into potential wrong-doing are unencumbered by analyzing evidence and talking to witnesses.
Conclusion: Arrested but released due to insufficient engagement.

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